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Featured Classes

1. Subtitle Downloader
Chrome extension to download videos and subtitles
2. JavaScript Multi Key Array
Set and get values from arrays using multiple keys
3. Node nmap
Scan a network for computers using nmap
4. WebCodeCamJS
Scan barcodes and qrcodes with a Webcam
". JS Subtitle Grabber
Download and extract subtitles from videos
6. jQuery.pidCrypt
Encrypt form values using RSA and AES
7. ES5 Spread Operator
Emulate the ES6 spread operator under EcmaScript 5
8. JavaScript PDF Flipbook
Browse PDF document like a book turning its pages
9. JS Merge XML
Merge XML documents from strings or DOM objects
10. Zebra Date Picker
jQuery plugin to let the user pick dates
11. WebCodeCam
Barcode and qr code scanner jQuery plugin
12. EthAvatar.JS
Get avatar image for an Ethereum address
". Spin Wheel
jQuery plug-in for the spin the wheel using canvas
14. JavaScript Lottery Number Generator
Pick random lottery numbers within a range
". jQuery Repeatable Form
Allow the user to add repeated form inputs
16. Persian Calendar
Pick a date from Persian Jalali calendar
". JavaScript MP4 Parser
Parse and extract information from MP4 video files
18. jQuery Calx
Calculate form input values based on formulas
19. JavaScript Spin Wheel Game
Display a wheel that rotates until it is stopped
20. JS Webcam
Capture pictures or video with the webcam
21. JS Diff Viewer
Find and view the difference between text strings
22. PagSeguro Node.js
Process payments using UOL PagSeguro
23. JavaScript AVI Parser
Parse and extract information from AVI video files
". l.js
Load CSS and JavaScript files in parallel
25. JS Image to ANSI
Convert an image pixels to ANSI colour codes
". JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
". Lorem Image Cryptonator
Embed encoded text in images using steganography
". JS Rulers Guides
Place and draw guides and rulers like Photoshop
29. jQuery Hide Column of Table
jQuery plugin that hides and shows table columns
". Vue js Starter Kit
Compile Vue template files using Gulp
". JavaScript LED Text Scroller
Display a matrix of LED lights of a scrolling text
?. Node.js Promise Redmine
Access Redmine API using Node.js and promises
?. Picdoku Game Online
Manage a Sudoku board game online with pictures
?. jQuery msgbox
Show alert messages of many types in page elements
?. JS and CSS Resource Loader
Load cached JavaScript and CSS from localStorage
?. JavaScript Deobfuscator Tool
Reformat JavaScript and PHP code to be readable
37. Javascript MKV Parser
JavaSParse and extract informationcript MKV Parser
". JavaScript FLV Parser
Parse and extract information from FLV video files
". JavaScript Descriptive Statistics
Perform descriptive statistics on data sets
". HTML Template Editor
Visual HTML template editor
". LZF
Compress and decompress data with LZF algorithm
". SVG Snake
Implements the Snake game using SVG with Raphaël
". JavaScript Summarize Text
Extract summaries of Web pages

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Class Days
Zebra Date Picker
jQuery plugin to let the user pick dates
Countly Web SDK
Track site accesses and errors the Countly API
JavaScript PDF Flipbook
Browse PDF document like a book turning its pages
Terminal Crossword
Generate a crosswords board on a text console
JS Merge XML
Merge XML documents from strings or DOM objects