File: chat-websocket/node_modules/

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  Classes of Igor Escobar   Terminal Crossword   chat-websocket/node_modules/   Download  
File: chat-websocket/node_modules/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Terminal Crossword
Generate a crosswords board on a text console
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,466 bytes


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var sys = require("util") , assert = require("assert") , XMLHttpRequest = require("../lib/XMLHttpRequest").XMLHttpRequest , xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Test request methods that aren't allowed try {"TRACK", "http://localhost:8000/"); console.log("ERROR: TRACK should have thrown exception"); } catch(e) {} try {"TRACE", "http://localhost:8000/"); console.log("ERROR: TRACE should have thrown exception"); } catch(e) {} try {"CONNECT", "http://localhost:8000/"); console.log("ERROR: CONNECT should have thrown exception"); } catch(e) {} // Test valid request method try {"GET", "http://localhost:8000/"); } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid exception for GET", e); } // Test forbidden headers var forbiddenRequestHeaders = [ "accept-charset", "accept-encoding", "access-control-request-headers", "access-control-request-method", "connection", "content-length", "content-transfer-encoding", "cookie", "cookie2", "date", "expect", "host", "keep-alive", "origin", "referer", "te", "trailer", "transfer-encoding", "upgrade", "user-agent", "via" ]; for (var i in forbiddenRequestHeaders) { try { xhr.setRequestHeader(forbiddenRequestHeaders[i], "Test"); console.log("ERROR: " + forbiddenRequestHeaders[i] + " should have thrown exception"); } catch(e) { } } // Try valid header xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Foobar", "Test"); console.log("Done");